MILLER, Philip. Figures of the most beautiful, useful, and uncommon Plants described in the Gardeners Dictionary, exibited on three hundred copper plates. 1771.
MILLER, Philip.
Figures of the most beautiful, useful, and uncommon Plants described in the Gardeners Dictionary, exibited on three hundred copper plates.
London, printed for the author, 1771.
Two Folio (415x268 mm), vi-100 pages (1-100) and 150 plates (I-CL) / (2)-100-(4) pages (101-200) and 150 plates (CLI-CCC). binding : Contemporary full mottled calf, spine gilt in eight compartments, title and volume number in gilt on lettering-pieces. Spines carefully repaired.
A reissue of the first 1760 edition.
Philip Miller, was director of the Chelsea Garden and was considered as "the greatest gardener of his time".
Beautiful books illustrated with 300 colored plates of plants.
Rare complete and in this condition.
references: Nissen [1378], Hunt [II, 566], Pritzel [6241].
Price : 14500 €